< LivrosFluvial
Photos: Tito Mouraz
Texts: Humberto Brito
Year: 2019
Design: Sérgio Couto
Publisher: Dewi Lewis Publishing
Hardback, 310mm x 250mm
120 pages, 66 colour plates + 7 duotone plates in blue paper
ISBN: 978-1-911306-53-5
First Edition - 650 copies
Sold Out
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"The flow of rivers, the flow of life, the washing away of worry and care: that’s what you’ll find in Tito Mouraz’s beautiful photobook Fluvial, a story of the rivers across northern and central inland Portugal."08/08/2019Leica Fotografie International
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"Fluvial" featured in Nowhere Diary website.
"These are places with which Mouraz has a lifelong relationship and through the images he transmutes personal geography into a fictional atmosphere. And just as the river currents have shaped the natural elements, the passage of time has shaped his gaze. Irony is replaced by a kindness and gentleness towards his equals, and a fascination with form and analogy. "17/06/2021Rio Manso
Revisão do livro Fluvial na revista do Expresso, por Celso Martins.
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Martins, Celso, in “A Revista do Expresso”, ed. 2441, 08/201910/08/2019GUP Magazine
Book review of Fluvial by Erik Vroons in GUP magazine.
"The surrounding landscapes look impalpable, less substantial than when seen in the real"27/07/2019